Neeve meets the Rainbow Princess who gave up her job as a weather reporter due to workplace stress


Suitably reunited with her clothes, thanks to the four cockatoos, Neeve now meets the Rainbow Princess who lives in the cloud castle. There has been much interest in the Rainbow Princess regarding who she is and where she came from. Well, the mystery can now be solved. The Rainbow Princess was in fact a weather reporter called Anne Wigglejug who formally worked on National Television. She was very conscientious about her job, but unfortunately, due to the pressure of television schedules and the insatiable desire of the watching public to receive 24-hour weather reports, she unfortunately suffered from workplace stress.

Her doctor suggested a holiday in the clouds where she was welcomed as a heroine by the people who lived there, due to her detailed knowledge of the weather systems. As a result of her advice, the cloud people were able to plan ahead in the knowledge that they could be assured of which country they would be floating towards in the weeks ahead. This allowed them to dress appropriately for the conditions at their destinations.

In honor of Miss Wigglejug’s abilities, she was given the title of Rainbow Princess and to this day, if you follow the trajectory of a rainbow back to the clouds, you will see that this is in fact her very long hair. One of the downsides to living in the clouds is that there are no hairdressers, but on the positive side, all weather watchers around the world enjoy rainbows in large numbers.

So now you know who the Rainbow Princess is. What is she giving to Neeve? All will be revealed in the next blog.

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